Tuesday, August 25, 2009

HUM450 - Kulmhof (Chelmno) Deathcamp

Written by Wiernik, these memoirs relate the events from actual guards who were assigned to the Kulmhof deathcamp. Wiernik described having 2 "camps."

The first was called the "castle" which was a building on the outskirts of town. In this building, the Jews were told that they were going to be deloused and that they would be showered and then sent to a work camp. They were stripped of their clothing and herded like cattle into "gas" vans. Once the Jews were in loaded up in the van, the driver of the van would hook up the exhaust pipe to the van and start the engine. This would suffocate the Jews in the van. As soon as it looked like there were no survivors, the van was driven to the second camp called "camp in the wood" where the bodies were dumped into mass graves.

Of the stories told by the guards, the vast majority stated that they were acting on orders directly from the "fuhrer" himself and that they believed all of the propoganda they were told. That is, that the Jews were boils and a plague to their society and they were not human. Only one guard indicated that it was horrific and refused to participate.

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