Friday, October 9, 2009

Was She Drugged?

Our classroom discussion have been pretty fascinating in the last few days.  Wide Sargasso Sea is turning out to be far more complex that it first appeared. We have learned that there's more than one meaning for creole and the "N" word, which totally depends on your point of view, whether it be British or Caribbean.

Furthermore, I think we all came to the conclusion that Rochester was dirty rotten scoundrel (for lack of a better description) and pretty much had his way with Antoinette.  By "had his way", I mean, he got his money and was able to essentially have her committed.

In doing a bit more thinking about this situation, it occurred to me that Antoinette was a wild and free spirit who loved the Caribbean.  It has been suggested that Antoinette didn't fit in, but I disagree with that.  While she might not have been loved by the locals, having come from a slave owning family, she definitely understood the people and fit in.

If you believe that she wasn't crazy, then it stands to reason she was drugged.  We know that she hated Rochester for what he had done and I just can't believe that she would willingly allow herself to be transported to England, away from everything she knew and loved, to be locked up in a room.

Just throwing that out there to see if anyone bites...

1 comment:

  1. I'll let you in on a secret: _everything_ is more complex than it appears. :)

    I hope more people think through and talk about what it means if she is crazy vs if she is drugged throughout the text.
